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CrossRacer - CrossRacer signed a technical cooperation agreement with the UNR

CrossRacer signed a technical cooperation agreement with the UNR

From AMAE Lounge, CrossRacer's exclusive business unit for the VIP lounges development, we are celebrating the signing of a technical cooperation agreement with the National University of Rosario.

This agreement considers Tourism students, so they can start their labor insertion in the AMAE Lounge VIP lounges, located in the International Airport of Rosario "Islas Malvinas".

Despite the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, CrossRacer and AMAE Lounge reaffirm our conviction to promote and strengthen the labor insertion of young professionals who want to develop in the aviation industry.

Thank's to Martin Beristain and Vanessa Castelló for the management and trust, and we congratulate Mercedes Suné, Rosario Del Valle and Santiago del Marco for this experience and wish them the best of success!

More news, here!